Monday, August 23, 2010

What this Heart Means to Marlene

What does the precious heart one special family gave to our John Michael mean to me? From a broader and more general definition It means a blessed and gracious ‘continuation’ of love yet to be given, yet to be shown, yet to be received and yet to be known by family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers. From a personal perspective it means that the person I have seen grow from a young man of only 18, to my sister’s husband, to a brother-in-law whose home I would work on most every weekend (Evans St.?), to a father, to a pawpaw …can now be here with us longer and ‘continue’ his commitment to marriage, loyalty to his wife, dedication to his children, grandchildren and son-in-laws. John Michael has been someone that throughout my life has modeled stability within his family and who has been a male figure of a family man in my children’s lives. We and others have always been able to count on him.

Kelly and Lindsey shared how the circumstances of John Michael’s heart condition actually brought with it unique ‘opportunities’ to draw nearer in relationship and I agree that it has done that for all of us. They also mentioned that humor is an important component of the ongoing process and I believe everyone has lived up to that for sure. Having said that, John Michael’s new heart does not seem to have changed the sometimes sarcastic, often cranky, completely pampered (spoiled by his wife) ol’ geezer that we all know and love … and surprisingly enough, I am actually grateful for that. For all his gruffness …he’s still the same big old ‘bald’ teddy bear and we love him in spite of himself :-} …and that’s the truth.

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