Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog Project

I can't believe it has only been four months since the transplant. It seems like a lifetime ago that we were given the news that Dad's heart had reached the end of its useful like. I remember that day so clearly. It was the beginning of an experience that forever changed my family.

While Dad was in the hospital awaiting his heart, the jokes were non-stop. Laughter filled his room. It was not the scene of a man who's days were numbered. No. Life surrounded him.

We all stayed strong while on this adventure. We rarely got upset in front of Dad. We saved our tears for private moments when we could release the fear, frustration and exhaustion without an audience. Over time I just assumed that the emotions would get easier to handle. I knew we would all be full of so many emotions after Dad got his heart, but I thought time would calm those down. Ironically, the opposite has happened. It doesn't take much to send the entire room into tears. We know we have been given a gift. We know we are blessed. That is such a strong emotion that you can not help but let it out.

This brings me to my new blog project. We each have our stories. We each have gained something different from this experience. I thought everyone would enjoy getting a glimpse of what this heart means to us.

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