Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What this Heart Means to Janice

First and most important it means my big brother will be around longer!
And what little girl would not want their big brother around?

It means Michael and I can share secrets that only the two of us can remember.
Most good and happy times that brings a smile.

It means knowing that the other one will be there if needed.
We can talk, or just be together sharing the time with no words spoken.

It means a lot more cooking and sharing laughs as a family.
Good food, good times and loving family what more do you need! With no PAPER PLATES!

It means being together watching all our grandchildren grow, learn and become adults.
Michael’s four grandkids and my one are shared by all, and know what love means.

It means Michael and I can laugh together at our grown children when being a parent tries their patience!
If no one gets panted green all is good with the world!!!

It means more shopping for me and more fussing for Michael.
I know he really does like getting gifts!!!!

It means closing the book on what he can’t do because of his heart and opening the new one which reads, “Look out World here he Comes”!!

It means we all get to share in that joy.
Thanks to a person unknown to us, but who will always be such a big part of our lives. Thank you.

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