Sunday, August 29, 2010

What this Heart Means to Leslie

This year I created a heart. Well, not me really, but I am getting to be an amazing part of it. At only five weeks, my son was the size of a sesame seed but already had four working chambers that were beating and pumping blood to his miraculous new life. It's amazing what our mighty God can do and how, no matter what you believe, the life of a child can put everything into perspective.

Seven years ago I saw this occur. My Uncle Mikey became a Papa for the first time and he changed. This new life and the two that made him a grandfather again and again caused Uncle Mikey to "wear his heart on his sleeve." I had never seen a grandfather love and dote on three kids so much. He had fallen in love with these new lives "heart and soul".

What this heart means to me is simple... the continued ability for a papa to experience life with his family, both new and old.

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