Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hey Good Lookin

Can you believe this guy had a heart transplant on Friday? Doesn't he look great? Overall Dad is doing good. He is tired and gets very little sleep in his pod with five other neighbors. Hopefully tomorrow he will move out of the cardiovascual intensive care unit and go to the transplant floor into a private room.

Tomorrow he will get his balloon pumped removed. They kept it in to provide his new heart with some extra assistance. It seems Dad is doing ok without it so they are going to take it out. He will also get his drain tubes removed. By the end of the day he should be left with only iv's and a few heart monitors. They took the defibrillator and pace maker out during the transplant.

Post surgery Dad's blood sugar remained a bit too high. They put him on an insulin drip and that lowered it significantly. By the time I left today his insulin dose had been cut in half since Friday. HTat is good news. Over the next few days he will also begin the slow process of getting off the medications that help his heart muscles squeeze. It will be a week full of big changes for Mike.

Dad swears he will be out of the hospital by the end of this coming weekend. He has determination like I have never seen. He is ready to start living. Nothing is going to stand in his way.

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