Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Four Years and Counting

Well, let's face it. I have done an awful job at posting updates. Somehow life takes over and weeks turn into months and months turn into years. Today marks the 4th anniversary of Dad's transplant. I am not sure anyone can believe that four years have gone by.

Dad has been in good health this last year. Most folks would never know he was on death's door four years ago. As the memories of what life was like before the transplant slowly fall into the more distant past, we sometimes forget how fragile Dad was back then.

This picture was taken last weekend. Doesn't everyone look great?

We rarely think about or talk about Dad's transplant without acknowledging the person that gave our Dad the ultimate gift, Mr. Roy Heck III. Yesterday, today and always we will cherish the memory of Roy and ask God to wrap his family in his love.

On this day four years ago Mike experienced a re-birth. He went into surgery with a weak heart and a frail body. He emerged with a strong heart and a new bond; forever linking him to the man that saved his life. Happy Birthday, Dad.