Sunday, December 12, 2010


This year it seems that we have so much to be thankful for. We have been blessed. Not a day goes by that this family doesn't stop at least once and think silently about what all we have been given. So, here is to family, friends and wonderful food. That is what Thanksgiving is all about.

A Month of Good Health

Thank goodness there isn't much new to report on this end. Dad's last appointment produced nothing but good results. His rejection medications continue to be lowered and his labs continue to look great. After 7 long and somewhat excruciating months for Dad, his strength seems to be making a comeback. He has been working in the yard, playing soccer with the grandkids and feeling human again. For the first time in over 25 years, Dad is beginning to discover what it feels like to have a working heart. His taste buds are also still in working order. This is Mike examining the Thanksgiving turkey before the big meal.

Falling Behind

So I have been a bit delinquent in my postings lately. There is lots to talk about, I have just had a heck of a time finding a free moment to post some updates. Hopefully after tonight, everyone will be all caught up! Between Thanksgiving and appointments, there is lots to report.